Wallpaper behind the headboard? Consider the Pros and Cons

Wallpaper behind the headboard? Consider the Pros and Cons

As discussed in our article “Wallpapering behind the headboard wall”, decorating the wall behind your bed’s headboard can have a transformative effect on the overall look of your bedroom. The right choice of wall décor and matching accessories act as the focal point of the room and allow you to personalise it to your own taste and style. This is an exciting prospect, but various points need to be carefully considered before you go all in. As for most renovation projects that involve a substantial investment in terms of time and money, it is always worth to first analyse the possible pros and cons of such an option:


  1. Aesthetic enhancement
    By creating a focal point around the bed and drawing attention to the centre point of the room, a designer wallpaper can significantly enhance the aesthetics of your entire bedroom. The right wallpaper frames the bed in a unique and visually appealing way, an effect that paint simply cannot achieve.
  2. Personalisation
    Wallpapering the headboard wall offers an ideal platform to express your preferred interior design theme or style. Whether you're aiming for a vintage, contemporary, Country House, or eclectic look, there's a wallpaper design to suit your vision. This customisation allows you to tailor your bedroom aesthetics to your personal taste and create a space that truly reflects your style.
  3. Mood and ambiance
    The right colour and pattern in a headboard wallpaper can set the tone for the entire bedroom. This choice provides a profound psychological impact on the room's mood and ambiance, letting you fine-tune the type of atmosphere you desire for your bedroom.
  4. Concealing imperfections
    If the wall behind your bed shows some damage from wear and tear or from previously installed furnishing and framed artwork, then a headboard wallpaper can be a cheap and effective alternative to new plasterwork. By providing a smooth and uniform surface, it camouflages any imperfections that might be present on the wall, saving you the trouble of extensive plaster repairs.



  1. Installation challenges
    If you are an absolute beginner, the prospect of installing a new wallpaper might feel daunting. While modern wallpapers are far easier to put up and require almost no previous experience, achieving a flawless and professional finish can be tricky, especially if you choose special surface materials or particularly challenging patterns. Aligning patterns and seams requires precision and attention to detail.
  2. Maintenance considerations
    Wallpapers have come a long way from the paper-based models of the past. Today, they are more robust and able to withstand minor impact. They can also be cleaned to a certain extent. However, they require proper maintenance to prevent damage. It's essential to follow the appropriate guidance on how to address wear and tear, such as avoiding excessive moisture exposure and using the right cleaning methods to ensure the wallpaper's longevity.
  3. Limited flexibility
    Once installed, changing a wallpaper is more time-consuming than simply repainting a wall. You first need to remove the existing wallpaper, which can be a labour-intensive process, especially if you hadn’t primed the wall before installing it. This limited flexibility can be a drawback if you like to frequently update your bedroom design. To tackle this problem, you can opt for removable Peel & Stick wallpaper (special models with self-adhesive backing). It doesn't require any paste, and you can pull it off and start over several times with hardly any effort required.
  4. Cost compared to paint
    While there are models at all price ranges, wallpaper can be more expensive than paint, both in terms of material and installation. This is particularly true if you’ve never installed a wallpaper before as you have to factor in the cost of purchasing the necessary tools. You need to weigh the aesthetic benefits of wallpaper against the cost and decide if it aligns with your overall interior design plans and personal budget considerations.


Like for most DIY projects, whether or not to wallpaper your headboard wall is a multifaceted decision with both enticing advantages and potential challenges to ponder. Your skillset and experience in decoration projects also plays a part, as well as the potential availability of another person to help you, since wallpapering on your own is definitely not something we would recommend unless you are very experienced.

So, whether you're ready to embark on a wallpapering adventure or still on the fence, carefully weigh up the pros and cons mentioned above, and you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision. But remember that bringing your own project to completion is extremely rewarding!