How to align your headboard wallpaper with Feng Shui principles

How to align your headboard wallpaper with Feng Shui principles

Achieving balance, harmony, and positive energy within our living spaces is one of the main goals of interior design. For centuries, Feng Shui has been a guiding principle for the art of harmonising our surroundings with the flow of vital life energy known as "Qi" or "Chi." Far more than a mere design philosophy, Feng Shui is a way of life, aimed at enhancing well-being and serenity through the thoughtful arrangement of our environment and it can play a fundamental role in creating a harmonious and tranquil bedroom atmosphere.

According to Feng Shui design philosophy, the careful placement of furniture, especially the bed - which plays a central role in our lives as the ultimate symbol of rest and rejuvenation - is extremely important. The bed is seen as an anchor for our personal energy, or "Qi." In this context, the headboard of your bed, often considered the "command position" in Feng Shui, is the focal point of the bedroom, as the energy flow around the headboard can greatly influence your sense of security and comfort while you sleep. Picking the right wallpaper to decorate the wall behind your headboard is not merely a decorative choice; according to Feng Shui it contributes significantly to the energy of the room. In line with Feng Shui principles, a few considerations are important when selecting a headboard wallpaper:

  • Colour harmony
    Feng Shui puts great emphasis on colours that resonate with your personal energy and create the mood you hope to achieve. It recognises that they have a profound impact on our emotions, energy, and overall well-being. Each colour carries its unique vibrational frequency, which can affect the flow of Qi (life energy) in a space. When it comes to your bedroom, the colour choice of the wall directly behind it influences the energy that envelops you during sleeping and waking hours.
  • Elemental balance
    Feng Shui also associates colours with the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). Each element has specific qualities and associations, and the right headboard wallpaper shade helps balance these elements in your bedroom. It is therefore important to select a hue that is associated with the element you wish to emphasise as it can enhance the energy of the space. More on this later in this article.
  • Pattern balance
    In Feng Shui, balance is a fundamental concept. For your design to achieve the balance you seek, it is fundamental to create harmony and balance between the Yin (soft, passive) and Yang (active, vibrant) energies within a space. Choosing the right pattern for your headboard wallpaper can help you achieve this equilibrium. Different patterns carry different types of responses: delicate floral designs, soft curves, or gentle waves introduce Yin energy, while geometric shapes, bold lines, or striking patterns foster Yang energy.
  • Selecting the right material
    The materials used in interior design can significantly influence how Qi moves and circulates. If possible, choose natural materials such as bamboo, grass cloth or silk, as these materials have a grounding effect and can promote a sense of balance and tranquillity. Natural materials tend to be more breathable, allowing air and energy to circulate more freely. Remember: proper ventilation and energy flow are essential for a healthy and harmonious space. Sensory experiences are also important to Feng Shui and different wallpaper finishes can help you connect in different ways with the five elements.


Sensory engagement: connecting with the elements through different wallpaper finishes

In Feng Shui philosophy, sensory experiences play a pivotal role in our connection with the environment. Beyond colours, patterns, and materials, the textures and finish of your headboard wallpaper also play an important role in deepening your connection with the five elements:

  • Wood
    If you are seeking to attract the qualities of growth and vitality intrinsic to the wood element, you should consider a headboard wallpaper with a natural wood grain texture to promote a sense of renewal and expansion within the room.
  • Fire
    Harness the fire element's passion and energy with a wallpaper with a glossy finish or metallic accents. The reflective surfaces emulate the vibrant dance of flames, bringing warmth, enthusiasm, and heightened sensuality to the room.
  • Earth
    Choose a headboard wallpaper featuring rough textures like rustic stone or earthy terracotta patterns to evoke the stability quality of the Earth element and provide a sense of security.
  • Metal
    Metallic wallpaper finishes or sleek, polished textures help channel the energy of the metal element which promotes order and creates an environment conducive to focus and clarity.
  • Water
    A headboard wallpaper with smooth textures and flowing wave patterns will mirror the free-flowing, adaptable qualities of the water element, encouraging introspection and emotional fluidity in your bedroom.


Maintaining balance: furniture and layout

A balanced Feng Shui bedroom design extends beyond colour and texture as the arrangement of furniture and the layout of your bedroom play a crucial role in optimising the flow of energy. Pay attention to the following points:

  1. Bed placement
    Your bed needs to have a clear view of the bedroom door but should not directly be in line with it, allowing you to maintain the "command position" and to feel in control.
  2. Clutter
    Clutter disrupts the flow of Qi and can lead to stagnant energy. Keeping your bedroom tidy is therefore essential.
  3. Décor
    Balance the bedroom's décor with pairs of items, such as nightstands, lamps, or artwork. Symmetry in design fosters harmony, promoting a serene atmosphere.
  4. Natural light
    Allow natural light to fill your bedroom during the day to encourage the free flow of positive energy.
  5. Artwork
    Art should evoke positive emotions and align with your vision for the room. Decorate the bedroom with artwork that resonates with your intentions for the space.


Incorporating Feng Shui principles into your bedroom design is a journey with the goal to cultivate harmony and positive energy in your living space. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a flexible philosophy that can be adapted to your unique needs. Embracing the sensory aspects of your space and maintaining balance in furniture arrangement and décor is key. When choosing the headboard wallpaper, consider the room as a whole and try to align its colours, materials, patterns, and finishes with your preferences so that you can create a space that does not only look beautiful but also feels deeply nurturing.