Teenager Wallpaper


Puberty means developing one's very own preferences. After all, there is nothing wrong with having clear ideas about cool wallpaper styles for teenagers' rooms. Design your interior with trendy and modern wall decor. More

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Teenager’s bedroom wallpaper - The Guide

Teenagers' bedrooms should help make the transition from childhood to adulthood as smooth, comfortable and happy as possible. During the period known as puberty, teenagers spend a lot more time in their personal retreat area than in the other rooms of the house. It becomes "the place to be" where the focus is on oneself and one's friends. Teenagers find it increasingly important to distance themselves from parents and siblings in order to process the physical and mental changes happening to them.

The young person's room becomes a mirror image of their longings, role models, dreams. Just like young people have always had their own "youth speak", they also have their own taste which can be difficult to fathom for adults. Designing a room for a teenager is a challenge for both parents and young people, especially when it comes to wall décor. Perusing our guide will help you find solutions which will satisfy all parties involved.

Table of Contents

From which age is a teen bedroom required?

Between the ages of 10 and 13, young people enter a new phase of life and puberty begins. The kids room is not appropriate any longer and is replaced by a cool teenager bedroom.


Puberty is a period of physical and psychological growth. This transition from child to adult isn't just challenging for parents. For boys and girls, this time is both exciting and difficult. From about the age of 10, the room should gradually be adapted to the altered requirements, interests and tastes of the budding teenager. During the early phase of puberty, teenagers often prefer a colourful decoration theme, as their childlike side is still present. In terms of wallpaper, playful patterns are still in demand. With time, new and potentially unusual preferences for colours, patterns, and decorative elements come to the fore, and these can change quite swiftly. The young person's own opinions are developing and being expressed more forcefully.

Almost young adults

From the age of roughly 16, the identity is forged - an important step for teenagers. They look for role models, try to emulate their idols and increasingly focus on the world of adults, leaving their childhood behind. First and foremost, they want to be taken seriously. One aspect is the design of their bedrooms, which undergoes a stylistic transformation during this period. Playful and whimsical pattern motifs typical for children disappear. Clear, classic and purist looks are the preferred choice. Teen bedrooms generally tend to become less colourful and bright. Young adults begin to develop a liking for harmonious combinations and want to transfer them to their own small kingdom.

What size should a teen bedroom be?

Teenagers need room to develop - but this is only very loosely tied to square meters. The room they occupied as children can be just as appropriate as a separate flat in the parents' house. 

Renovating the old bedroom

The erstwhile children's' room can be turned into a space fit for teenagers - as long as it isn't a tiny nursery. However, there is usually enough space, even in the smallest room, as teenagers are quite creative when it comes to organising their space. The most important aspect to consider is whether the room provides enough space for various different uses. Multifunctional furniture and accessories, colours that visually widen the room, and intelligent wallpaper patterns can add a sense of space to even the smallest room.

A home within a home

If there is plenty of space in the flat or house, young adults would almost always prefer having their own self-contained apartment. This encourages self-development and meets their need for independence. They aren't likely to be disturbed by the parents, i.e. they feel unobserved and can receive visitors on their own terms. Two rooms are sufficient. Even better if there are more rooms as this allows for dedicated areas for a number of specific uses, e.g. sleeping, studying, receiving visitors, etc. It also provides the most flexible situation in terms of wall/wallpaper décor.

What is the best way to decorate the walls of a teenager's bedroom?

Teenagers' rooms are multifunctional spaces where various different areas do not have to be strictly separated. Instead, they can merge in a harmonious manner.

Relaxation and sleeping

For the sleeping and relaxation zone containing the bed or a cool sofa-bed, relaxed colours like indigo, purple, green, and blue are best. White and grey are great for purist styles. The sleeping area can be painted in just one colour or decorated with a calming, chilled pattern, perhaps with softly merging geometric patterns, stylised flowers, or abstract graphical elements. Some young people opt for a glamorous or 3D effect wallpaper.

Working, studying and learning                                                        

The study area with the desk should be designed with motivation and concentration in mind. However, it is important to remember that adolescents are not stimulated if the study area is too monotonous or boring. Developing brains require fresh, creative impulses, which are provided by favourite colours and energising patterns. Shades of orange, yellow, green, blue, and natural hues are all great choices. Patterns and motifs can be explosive and unusual. An all-time classic popular with teenagers is chalkboard wallpaper which can be given an (ever-changing) individual touch or used to actively work on.

Lazy lounging 

To just do nothing, to feel free of all the annoying demands the environment forces upon teenagers going through puberty - this, too, is an important aspect of growing up. The very individual feeling of freedom can be achieved with simple means, for instance by adding a beanbag or small couch to the room. Wallpaper patterns focus on personal preferences, interests, fantasies, favourite motifs, etc. Colours are warm and comforting, never too stimulating. Amongst the many possible wallpaper pattern themes are holidays/sea, space/galaxy, retro, or romanticism.

A meeting place for friends

Teenagers want to have a place where their friends can come and visit. This means that teenagers' rooms should have a representative character, too. Their friends' opinion of the ambience is important to teenagers. After all, a sense of healthy competition and comparing oneself with other adolescents are significant at this age. Friends and acquaintances should be impressed as soon as they enter the room. In terms of wallpaper design, the focus is on tasteful and/or trendy styles and often emphasises the inhabitant's identity (self-presentation being an important part of puberty).

Which requirements should be met in terms of wall décor?

We all know the motto "each to their own", and during puberty, tastes tend to change quickly. However, the Top Five of teenagers' wallpaper preferences can be satisfied with a plethora of designs for both genders.


Stylish wallpaper design must reflect two main factors - it has to be sophisticated and eye-catching. Current fashion trends are as much part of this as personal preferences. The denim look, fashionable patterns like plaid, stripes, or polka-dots, sparkly materials, fashion motifs, or romantic style elements all fit into this category.


Funky and unusual, anything but boring - this describes the cool style girls and boys implement in different ways. For instance, sports tend to be a big topic for boys, and their own preference - be it football or surfing, golf or cycling - is often reflected in their choice of wallpaper. Brightly coloured graffiti emphasises the rebellious character and creativity of adolescents. Old abandoned factory buildings often have a very special appeal associated with total freedom away from parental control. Concrete or brick and metal imitation wallpaper models add authenticity to this look. Abstract graphical or floral elements, typography patterns, and wood imitation models are firm favourites with girls.


The term funky is borrowed from the music scene. Applied to adolescents' decoration preferences, the word describes chilled-out, unusual and extravagant patterns and motifs. Some examples are striking 3D patterns, psychedelic motifs, or cool vintage designs.


The zeitgeist determines what's in or out, which is why decoration trends for teenagers are very flexible and variable. Some trends come and go very quickly, others return over and over again. In trendy teenagers' rooms, recurring themes are, amongst others: comics, skulls, flowers, or wild and romantic Shabby Chic styles. The so-called Urban Jungle style, which can be combined with the cool Industrial style to fabulous effect, is particularly popular with adolescent girls.


The modern style features clear, often contrasting colours, purist and eye-catching material imitations, and reduced, understated patterns. Stone and wood looks, simple geometric patterns, arty graphics, or stylised floral elements are all great examples for modern wallpaper décor. 

Which are the best colours for teenage girls?

Teenage girls often like warm, romantic and emotive colours which provide the room with the perfect mix of comfy cave, beauty salon, and spa.

Delicate pink

When innocent white and impatient red are combined to create a powdery pink hue, it forms the basis for romantic daydreams, perhaps of the most current crush. At this age, the world is often seen through rose-tinted glasses and girls tend to float on pink clouds. Pink has a calming effect, it promotes inner peace and lifts the mood. In addition, it stands for cordiality and contentment. It also meets the style requirements of adolescent girls and is regularly awarded the title "absolute trend colour".


Dark, almost black purple - this quite aptly describes the colour aubergine, an all-time favourite of adolescent girls. It embodies mysticism, spirituality, perhaps a touch of introversion and a tiny bit of vanity. This colour has an aura of elegance and understated glamour. Aubergine has a balancing, almost meditative effect and leaves plenty of room for the multitude of thoughts and ideas that pubescent girls are occupied with. At the same time, this hue has inspiring qualities and releases new energy.


Which colour could be better suited to a young girl's room than the very colour of youth: Orange. Stimulating, zingy and with a fruity touch, it provides a sense of comfort and well-being. Orange energises body and soul and helps to balance out the mood-swings so typical for puberty and lifts the spirit to a positive level. In addition, orange hues are also a great energy booster when it comes to studying.

Pale green

A light shade of green is one of the most popular choices for young girls' rooms. The fresh vibe transfers to the emotional life of the young person and adds a zesty and modern character to the room. Green stands for growth and hope; it is the colour that reminds us of unspoiled nature. It provides positive impulses and strengthens the determination to succeed.

Which are the best colours for teenage boys?

Modern, sustainable and uncomplicated - these are the main factors why adolescent boys choose specific colours, often in cooler or darker shades.


This combination of black and white comes in many nuances and is neutral, sober, technical, and unpretentious. It exudes elegance and modernity and makes other colours pop. In addition, grey stands for distance - an emotion many boys are very aware of during puberty.


This colour, a combination of blue and green, awakens memories, desires and aspirations. It can whisk us off to an exciting adventure by the seaside, to name but one example. Turquoise has a balancing, calming effect, whilst simultaneously being invigorating for both body and mind. This intense colour promotes independence and self-confidence. On adolescent boys' bedroom walls, it is often combined with a motif-based pattern.


Blue in all its shades (from ice-blue to steel-blue or an intense dark blue) can create the perfect atmosphere in boys' rooms. This cool colour is calming, helps with concentration, and provides inspiration. It promotes the development of personal interests. Many shades of blue create a sense of spaciousness in the room, a fact that works well with the desire for freedom so keenly felt by many pubescent boys.


Even if it irks many parents: black remains a popular choice for young people's rooms. The colour of darkness has a special appeal for adolescent boys (as well as girls) as it is slightly threatening and at the same time mysterious and fascinating. It is full of secrets - just like teenagers. Black carries many contradictions and opposites, e.g. dominance and simple objectivity, classicism and modernism, expanse and constriction. This reflects the ups and downs of puberty, a developmental phase which is also subject to huge contradictions. In young men's bedrooms, black should be used in small doses, for instance on a feature wall. The contrast-rich effect provided by a combination with white or bright colours is a great basis for a variety of interior design options. 

What is the best approach for decorating the walls together with the teenager?

If the young person and his or her parents pull together to plan and realise the design of the bedroom, the result will be pleasing to all parties involved.

How to work out needs, wishes and functional requirements together

A brainstorming session is a great way to start the process. In this context, the functional segmentation of the room is the most important planning aspect. Size, layout, natural light all play a significant role, too. In teenagers' bedrooms, a combination of walls painted in one colour plus one or two feature walls are usually a good approach. The colours and patterns preferred by the young person should also be noted. Parents might want to introduce their own colour suggestions, for instance based on their psychological effects. In terms of wallpaper pattern/design, the young person should be allowed to choose independently. Teenagers might have unusual, creative ideas for their room, which should also be considered. A harmonious design is essential for a sense of comfort and well-being, so furniture and accessories should match the wall design with regard to colours and style.

Preparing a first draft from the collection of ideas

The most important facts have been collated; the next step is a first draft. This can be created by hand or on a tablet/computer in order to gain a visual impression. After all: what seems like a fantastic idea in one's head sometimes doesn't work so well on paper. Variety is the spice of life, which is why having more than one draft could be a good approach. This way, parents and teenagers can continue to discuss various concepts until they find a consensus. (A method that is bound to go down well with the young adult, too.) It is a bit like building one's first small house. It presents teenagers with a challenge and they have to take responsibility, and the best thing about it: They'll be happy to do it as it is about having a space to call their own and being able to have a say in its design.

Ordering pattern samples to help with the final choice

Finding the perfect wallpaper for the teenage room is no easy undertaking. There are so many fantastic models that the young person might short-list more than one, or very different styles. The best method to gauge whether or not the pattern is as cool on the wall as it is in the imagination is to put a sample up on the wall. In order to do so, samples of the selected wallpaper models can be ordered from our Shop. This approach is particularly important when the short-listed selection includes design wallpaper models with funky effects (e.g. metal foil), three-dimensional patterns, or special surface materials (textile fibres, flock, natural fibres, glass beads).

Our tips: Ideas for teenagers' rooms with the "wow factor" 

  1. If decorating the walls with wallpaper seems "a step too far", applying it to wardrobes can add stunning highlights to the room. Boring surfaces can be beautified by cheeky graffiti designs, colourful graphics or unusual patterns. Find out just how easy this is in our instruction guide How to decorate furniture with wallpaper .  
  2. Cool style for cool surfers: Wooden planks with signs of weathering caused by sea air and waves are a popular wallpaper pattern amongst surfing enthusiasts. They are also the perfect choice for feature walls. Tip: Cut a surfboard shape out of a piece of wood with a jigsaw, decorate it with graffiti wallpaper or design your own surfboard logo, and lean it against the wall. Hey presto! A true eye-catcher!
  3. Fashion Time: Fashion, cosmetics, perfume, handbags, shoes, accessories - all these motifs can be found on various design wallpaper models which turn girls' rooms into the ultimate fashion zone. Using this type of wallpaper on a feature wall creates the perfect ambience for a make-up table and a stylish theatre mirror with lights. Which girl wouldn't dream of this set-up?
  4. Raise the curtains for a personalised design concept with stunning wallpaper models for teenagers' rooms. Funny, whimsical, unusual, with large- and small-scale patterns, historical or modern - our teen bedroom wallpaper provides the perfect backdrop for favourite pictures and snaps, posters, or souvenirs. Just get them up on your walls already! ;-)