Country style Wallpaper


Country style wallpaper stands for romance, tradition and closeness to nature. This look, often also called the Cottage Style, has many country-specific faces which can be realised with classic and modern pattern designs. More

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Country Style Wallpaper: The Guide

Whether classic or modern, the country house style is constantly finding new fans. It's compatible with a multitude of trends and yet remains timeless. Just as rustic cosiness, natural materials and traditions are timeless and inspire generation after generation. Wallpaper models in the country look are based on country- and region-specific characteristics. They feature exuberant and whimsical, elegant and romantic patterns or come in the sought-after "Used Look". 

Table of Contents

What are the two main styles of country house design?

The classic country house style is characterised by traditional and region-specific features. Contemporary country house style varieties are determined by intersections and differences of these features.

Classic Country House Style

The classic country house style is characterised by natural materials such as wood, wool, cotton and linen. Light or dark wooden furniture with carvings, turned wood elements and decorations are as much an essential part of this type of interior design as traditional and rural motifs. In terms of colours, white or strong colours like blue, red, green or yellow are all featured (depending on the country and region).

Modern Country House Style

Shades of brown and grey as well as muted colours determine the "New Country Style". Furniture and furnishing elements are made of versatile natural, mostly untreated materials such as wood, raffia and rattan. Forms and shapes tend to be simple, clear and without embellishments. Vintage, Shabby Chic and the Used Look are often cleverly combined. 

How can the country house style be distinguished in terms of geography?

Different countries, different country house styles! Around the globe, country house styles come in a plethora of facets. From the English Cottage style to the French or Swedish country house to the American Prairie style, specific characteristics vary greatly.

English Country House

British cottages have a famously picturesque character. The robust stone exterior is complemented by a sober but enchantingly romantic style. Dark rustic wood, English roses and Scottish tartan patterns provide the traditional elements of the classic country style. It goes without saying that furnishings are of premium quality and made to last.   

French Country House

A charming sense of joie de vivre combined with a very natural feel characterises the French country house style. Traditional motifs such as Toile-de-Jouy or millefleurs, stone patterns and striped designs are all typical for this style. Colours are predominantly light, sometimes pastel. A distinction is also made between regional looks such as those typical for Brittany or the Provence with its enchanting lavender fields.

Italian Country House

Who doesn't long for the famous country houses of Tuscany, approached via long straight roads lined by high pine trees? The interiors are elegantly decorated with exquisite antique tiles and beautiful natural stone. Furniture and furnishings tend to have an elegantly sophisticated Italian design look or are very rustic and made of local wood. Delicate light and strong dark colours both feature.

Swedish Country House           

Wooden planks and boards, often with a weathered old charm, light and delicate colours, and floral Art Nouveau patterns are characteristics of the Northern style, which can appear either laid-back and casual or accurately styled. Abstract modern geometry is another feature of Swedish country house wallpaper designs. Animal skins and structured fabrics emphasise this natural look.

Spanish Country House

Viva España! Clay, bricks, warm shades of red, beige and brown are all typical for the traditional, cosy country house style in Spain beautifully represented by fincas. Stone and tile designs in many variations (e.g. Majolica) as well as ethno and batik patterns play a major role. Cream white, yellow and apricot are among the favoured colours.

American Country House

In the US, country houses are traditionally wooden constructions. Interior decoration and design is based on the elegant Victorian style with floral or check patterns. White, green and blue are amongst the favourite colours for this look. With its simple forms, natural materials and the colours of nature, the Shaker style is authentic and unconventional. 

Alpine Country House  

The alpine country house style can be found in Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland, among others. From a picturesque farmhouse interior to a romantic mountain hut: The ambience is rustic with interiors and furniture predominantly made of wood, complemented by homely, romantic motifs such as deer, forest and hunting scenes as well as gingham checks in blue and white or red and white. High-quality craftsmanship determines the look.

What special features characterise wallpapers with a rural look?

Country house style wallpaper is characterised by nature-loving patterns as well as playful and whimsical designs. Wallpaper models in this style are cosy and rustic. The very popular "Used Look" adds to the comfy, familiar character.

Natural patterns

Flowers, plants and floral motifs play a major role in the design of country style wallpaper, with animals such as songbirds, deer and roe deer as complementary elements. Combined with natural materials, the simple traditional geometry depicting natural shapes and forms creates a harmonious picture that loses none of its appeal through contrasting interior design elements.

Playful and whimsical  

The country house style represents a sense of privacy, family community, a place of comfort and safety. In terms of playful and whimsical models, small, delicate patterns in enchanting colours are ever-present. They convey a sense of security and exude an irresistible touch of romance.

Homely and rustic

Wallpapers in the country cottage style are frequently based on wood and stone imitations or on familiar traditional patterns. They exude pure cosiness and have a rustic character. These models radiate warmth, and imitation materials are often reminiscent of certain textures, appealing to the haptic sense.      

Used Look

In rural areas, tradition is tied to history. Furniture and furnishings can and should carry the signs of use. Faded colours are as much a part of the Used Look as flaking layers of paint, or moss and rust stains on stones. Despite the proud display of the signs of time, the Shabby Chic style pays tribute to durability and is a lasting trend in terms of country cottage wallpaper.

What are suitable rooms for wallpaper with country charm?

Generally speaking, country style wallpaper models are suitable for all rooms of an apartment or house. The preferred areas tend to be the living room, kitchen and hallway, i.e. the most sociable and representative spaces.

Living room

The design of the living room can be as versatile as the different country house styles themselves. Muted plain colours, imitation wooden beams, the combination of floral elements and baroque ornaments or striped designs create very individual country looks.


A country house kitchen is a space of well-being and pleasure. It offers huge design potential - from classic, historically inspired ideas to modern interpretations. Wallpapers in a brick or rustic plaster look, with romantic floral designs or small geometry patterns, are particularly suitable for the country look.


Being comfortable at first sight, instantly feeling at home, being impressed with the stylishness of the surroundings... With a cleverly chosen country house wallpaper, these expectations are fulfilled in the best possible way. Wooden plank and board designs, perhaps in combination with plain pastel colours, stripe wallpapers and atmospheric flora and fauna sceneries (e.g. forest motifs) are all possible options. 

Which are the most popular colours for country cottage wallpaper?

Natural, stimulating and homely colours set the tone in the country house style. Blue, green, white, grey, yellow and pink are among the most popular wallpaper colours.


Blue is a multifaceted colour. It stands for harmony, sympathy, trust, longing, amongst other things, and thus meets the requirements for rural designs. In various countries and regions, blue is also a very traditional colour. This cool colour opens the room and promotes relaxation in a country house ambience.


Green is the colour of nature and plant life. It symbolises renewal, growth and hope. In country style wallpaper models, it features in many different nuances - from dark and strong to soft and light. Moss green, fir-tree green or sage green are just a few examples of green shades used in country style wallpaper design.


White is a classic colour in the country house style. The name of the colour is derived from "wheat". White stands for purity, innocence and light and provides the perfect counterpart to dark wood types. It widens the room and visually increases its size. In terms of the country cottage style, there are numerous slightly tinted variants of white (e.g. off-white), as pure white can feel too sterile.


This colour has long since lost its drab reputation. In fact, grey is a fabulous partner for colours such as white, brown and all bright and intense colours. Grey is also associated with age or the past - a component that represents aged charm and beloved traditions in rural interior design. 


The stimulating colour of the sun is particularly popular in countries such as Mexico, Spain and Italy. In the country cottage look, it ranges from pastel to deep and bright. Not only does it put people in a good mood - it exudes optimism and joie de vivre and stimulates creativity. For country-style wallpaper models, shades of yellow always add an extra touch of excitement and comfort.


Pink is the more timid sister of energetic red and has a gently invigorating as well as calming effect. Pink is considered a feminine colour and symbolises romance, emotions and love. In the country house style, pink often features in soft looks mixed with cream, beige, white, brown and grey. 

What are the most important design elements of countryside wallpapers?

Flowers in various designs, stripes, checks, ceramics and porcelain motifs are all popular design elements for wallpaper in the country house style. Wood, rattan and stone imitations look authentic and natural.


Many tiny flowers and scattered blossoms or millefleurs inspire the French country house style. But due to their lovely appearance, they are generally a popular motif in country designs. The cheerful Petite Fleur pattern tends to be slightly larger, but individual flowers are more spaced out. Lush flower bouquets, reminiscent of charming still-lifes, are another frequent motif of country look wallpapers. Roses have a long tradition in the English country house style. The queen of flowers emphasises the sophisticated noble character of many country house styles. Floral patterns featuring the same individual flower or a mixture of several species create a natural lightness. Flower tendrils add to the air of enchanting romanticism.


Stripe designs (often with thinner stripes) are characteristic for the more elegant version of the country house style. Striped wallpaper models can also provide a regional/maritime touch, for example those in blue and white. In addition, they work very well with flowers and checked patterns.


It is likely that the English/Scottish landed gentry contributed to the traditional tartan pattern, particularly in deep, dark shades of green, blue and red. The woven gingham check pattern with squares in two colours is one of the oldest textile patterns in the world. 

Wood look

Country life and wood simply belong together. This natural and versatile material has always been used in the construction of houses and in interior decoration, and is a means of producing heat as well as providing insulation. Wood is an essential component of the country house style. In terms of wood-look wallpapers, a huge variety of designs provide a plethora of different style facets.

Rattan look

Rattan is made from the up to 200 m long lianas of the East-Asian Rotang Palm which are woven into furniture, accessories or mats. The core of the wood shoots, the rattan cane, can also be used. This natural raw material has an exotic charm and a warm aura, which is also present in rattan-look wallpaper models.

Stone look

Many countryside homes are built with roughly cut stones, which gives farmhouses or cottages their rugged character. The types of stone used mostly come from the respective region. The country house look often benefits from pattern wallpapers which look like real stone. Clinker, brick, and natural stones are a particularly authentic addition to the cottage style.

Ceramics and porcelain motifs

Hand-painted porcelain or ceramics are not uncommon in country houses. Granny's good old dinner service with the typical onion pattern should also not be missing in traditional houses. These items tell nostalgic stories and boast great craftsmanship, which is why porcelain plates and tile motifs are often depicted on country house wallpaper. 

Why are country house wallpapers so popular?

The country house style is timeless yet trendy. Easy to apply non-woven wallpapers bring a sense of bucolic magic and a romantic atmosphere into the room.

Timeless interior design trend

The country look has always enjoyed great popularity in the world of interior design. For centuries, people from different geographical regions have cultivated this timeless rural style. It can pick up elements of other styles, but they have to match it in order to be effective. Vintage and Shabby Chic are two styles to mention in this context.

Romantic atmosphere  

An intact world, beloved traditions, home, closeness to nature - these terms are fundamental to the country house style. They automatically create a feeling of warmth and comfort, which is the best prerequisite for a romantic atmosphere. With motifs such as flowers, plants or animals, country house wallpapers inspire a sense of romance.

The magic of the countryside               

The bucolic magic of the countryside is always as unique as the specific region and the people who live there. A farm in Normandy is different from a farm in Northern Germany or Southern England. Wallpaper models in the country look capture this individual magic through typical motifs and pattern elements.

Non-woven wallpapers = easy application

Non-woven wallpaper in the country house style can be put up in a fast and simple manner. After cutting the wallpaper, the wall is pasted individually for each length. In the next step, each length of wallpaper can be applied in a dry state. There is no need for applying wallpapering paste to the back of the wallpaper or for observing soaking times.

Which designers are known for country living wallpaper?

Designers around the globe have dedicated themselves to country house design. When it comes to wallpaper, this includes Laura Ashley, Rivièra Maison and Manuel Canovas, to name but a few.

Laura Ashley

This British textile design manufactory was founded in 1953 by Bernard and Laura Ashley. The label specialises in pattern motifs in the popular English country house design. These include romantic, floral wallpaper designs, stripe and damask wallpaper in the Victorian style, and light, delicate colours. They exude the irresistibly elegant atmosphere of country mansions.

Rivièra Maison 

Natural materials that carry an inherent luxury factor are the hallmark of all creations by traditional Dutch design house Rivièra Maison. From flower shop to leader in international home design - the success history of the company is nothing short of astonishing. Clever rattan and wood imitations with fabric textures are a highlight of their country look wallpaper line.

Manuel Canovas

The Parisian textile design company Manuel Canovas reinterprets the "art of living à la Française" based on models from the 18th century and then gives them a contemporary touch. Expressive colours, Toile-de-Jouy patterns, floral designs and ceramic motifs determine the country house wallpaper designs by this sought-after label.

Our tips: Ideas for stunning country looks

  1. Kitchens in the Mexican country house style: Choose a country house wallpaper model with historical ornaments or an antique tile design in fresh and strong colours and create an eye-catching feature wall. Apply a textured wallpaper which looks like rough plasterwork to the remaining walls. Flooring, furniture and decoration should be based on authentic Mexican interiors.
  2. Modern alpine hut style for the living room: A romantic forest scene with a roaring stag or cute deer on a feature wall is just perfect for the modern and unusual alpine hut look. Combine it with imitation wood wallpaper depicting solid beams. This should be applied to the remaining walls and possibly even the ceiling. Home textiles with gingham checks, fur and linen complete the picture.
  3. Pure country house romanticism with Toile-de-Jouy in the bedroom: Enchanting sceneries with detailed floral and figurative images are the essence of Toile-de-Jouy wallpaper models. Choose these patterns in blue/red and white for the wall behind the bed. The other walls are kept in a matching shade of white. Curtains and duvet covers can also be in Toile-de-Jouy designs.
  4. Create a traditional "farmer's wardrobe" with wallpaper: With a patterned motif wallpaper, any wardrobe can be transformed into an impressive piece of furniture. You will need: 
  5. A few left-over cut-offs of your favourite country house wallpaper with a floral design or ornaments. You can paint the cabinet in any colour beforehand. Then divide larger fields (rectangular, oval, etc.) for the motifs and glue the wallpaper cuttings into these areas.