What tools do I need for wallpapering?

9 January 2024
Dear Isabel,
my boyfriend promised that he will renovate our bedroom and put up a gorgeous botanic wallpaper instead of the dreary grey wall I have been forced to look at for too many years.
As a present to sweeten the deal I want to surprise him with a box containing all the tools he will need. Could you tell me what I need to buy for a wallpapering project?
Many thanks

Leipzig, Germany
Isabel, wallpaper expert
9 January 2024

Dear Susanne,
what a wonderful idea! A box with all the basic tools to start wallpapering will ensure he will be able to renovate other rooms in the future. Once the wallpapering bug bites, I am positive he will get addicted to it!
Let’s see which tools you need:

Which tools to I need to start wallpapering?

You might already have some of the basic tools you’ll need:

  • Step ladder
  • A couple of sharpened pencils
  • Tape measure
  • Bucket
  • Screwdrivers
  • Sponges
  • Trestle table

Assorted wallpapering tools and a thoughtful man illustration

If you are new to wallpapering, you will need to purchase the following tools:

Pasting brush
One of the most basic wallpapering tools, the pasting brush (also known as painter's brush) is used to spread the paste onto strips of wallpaper, or directly onto walls (depending on the type of wallpaper you plan to hang).
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in detail: The pasting brush

Hanging brush
Not to be confused with the pasting brush, this tool is used to press on and smooth out the strips of wallpaper you have installed on the wall, ensuring the best possible adhesion between the wall surface and the wallpaper and also helping to remove any air bubbles or creases.
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in detail: Wallpaper hanging brush

Wallpaper smoother
Also called smoothing tool, the wallpaper smoother is used to smooth out wallpaper and press it onto the wall. It can also be used as a cutting edge, to remove excess wallpaper at skirting boards.
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: The wallpaper smoother

Spirit level
A spirit level is an easy-to-use yet indispensable tool to measure the vertical and horizontal alignment of spaces, surfaces or objects. You need this tool to create a straight line for the first strip of wallpaper you will install or the one(s) after an internal corner.
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Spirit level, plumb bob, chalk line

Seam roller
A small but important wallpapering tool, the seam roller helps you achieve a clean transition between individual lengths of wallpaper. It gently flattens the edges of two adjacent strips so that you can't see any seams once the wallpaper is completely dry.
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in detail: The seam roller

Cutter knife
A cutter knife with a segment blade is a jack-of-all-trades cutting tool used to place precise cuts on a length of wallpaper that is already positioned on the wall, e.g. overlaps along skirting boards, the ceiling, around door frames or windows.

For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Cutter knife and seam knife

Glue syringe
Glue syringes are a cheap but extremely useful tool used to apply small amounts of wallpapering adhesive when the wallpaper is already in place, or to remove excess wallpapering paste from under the wallpaper.
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in detail: The Glue Syringe

Wallpapering scissors
Good wallpapering scissors are an indispensable tool for wallpapering. Avoid making the mistake of trying your luck with a pair of household or paper scissors. If you want good result, you need to invest in professional wallpapering scissors, designed to meet the special requirements for wallpapering.
For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Wallpapering scissors/wallpaper scissors

Which extra tools do I need to install paper-based wallpapers?

Wallpapering knife and wallpapering edge
If you plan to hang a paper-based model, you should invest in these tools used for cutting lengths of wallpaper already soaked in wallpapering paste.
For more information on these tools, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Wallpapering knife and straight edge

Which extra tools do I need to hang a wallpaper with a delicate surface?

Wallpapering roller
Also known as pressure roller, this tool is an alternative to the wallpapering brush. It is used to press on wallpapers with delicate surfaces which might be damaged by a brush. If you plan to install foil wallpapers (like metal wallpapers), delicate textile models (like flock wallpaper) or glass bead wallpapers, it is a must-have.


For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Wallpapering Roller

Which tool do I need to perform a double seam cut?

Seam knife
If two strips of wallpaper need to be put up with an overlap and you have to make an accurate cut to create a clean seam (the so-called "double seam cut") then you need a seam knife. This knife holds the blade in position so that a straight cut can be made without the blade veering out of line.


For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Cutter knife and seam knife

Which other tools do I need if I need to remove old wallpaper?

Wallpapering spatula or scraper
If your wall is already wallpapered, you will have to strip the old wallpaper first before putting up the new one. Wallpaper scrapers and paint spatulas are the best tools for removing old wallpaper and paint.


For more information on these tools, click here:
Wallpapering tools in Detail: Wallpaper spatula

Wallpaper perforator
If you need to remove old paper-based wallpapers, then you should invest in a wallpaper perforator, which is also known as a spiked roller or perforating roller. Used in conjunction with the wallpaper spatula, it ensures that soapy water can easily permeate the wallpaper layers, making it easier to remove.


For more information on this tool, click here:
Wallpapering tools in detail: Wallpaper perforator, spiked roller, perforating roller

Your wallpaper expert