Tobbe orange
Tobbe orange
Can be combined with
Matching paint
How does this work? How do I find the right wall colour to match my wallpaper?
Design wallpaper is often used just for one feature wall. For the other walls, we recommend a coat of paint in a matching colour. Use our lining paper, which you can order with the wallpaper, as a base for the paint.
Choosing the ideal colour shade presents you with endless possibilities: a colour found in the pattern of the design wallpaper is often an excellent choice for painting the other walls of the room. That is why we show you the main colours of each wallpaper in the Shop.
By clicking on the respective colour symbol, you can find the exact colour shade on Encycolorpedia, a kind of Wikipedia for colours and colour codes. If you scroll down this page, you will see a variety of possible paint manufacturers (including wall paints), e.g. Dulux, Valspar, Benjamin Moore and many more. Simply jot down the product code of your favourite brand and visit a paint shop in your area. They will not only mix the right wall paint for you, but can also advise you on the differences in gloss levels or characteristics.
We deliberately refrain from selling wall paints online, because buying locally and on site simply makes more sense, not least for ecological reasons. Colours are liquids and as such quite heavy. Transporting paint by parcel service only causes unnecessary environmental pollution.
How does this work?
Our wallpapering instructions
Why make it complicated when it can be so easy?
Our detailed wallpapering guides include all the DOs and DON'Ts and lead you step-by-step to the best possible results.
How does this work?
Our wallpapering instructions
Why make it complicated when it can be so easy?
Our detailed wallpapering guides include all the DOs and DON'Ts and lead you step-by-step to the best possible results.
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More about the bookVintage coasters (pack of 4)
More about the coastersBest wallpaper I've ever used!
After paste the paper and peel and stick types, I was ready to throw in the towel. But then I found this pattern and decided to try it. I had a few questions that I emailed and the company answered quickly and were so helpful! You can't get that with a lot of other online wallpaper companies. Pasting the wall was simple and the paper was so very sturdy that it went up quickly and easily. In fact, matching the pattern from piece to piece actually worked, something that has been difficult with other papers. I need to decorate another room and I am only looking for paper from this company! They have a brand new fan in me!