Whenever a birthday comes along, the same question arises: What present can I give the birthday boy/girl? In today’s world, where most of us have access to anything the heart might desire, it is easy to buy the wrong thing. But don’t worry - we have a very simple yet totally individual idea for a brilliant gift and you won’t have to worry about fake enthusiasm when you hand it over to the lucky recipient.
Vouchers are increasingly popular - so why not create a gorgeous voucher by using left-overs of your favourite wallpaper? Of course they are particularly suitable when your idea is to give new wallpaper as a present! Anyone should be able to find their absolute dream wallpaper in our shop, but that doesn’t mean the gift-giver would choose the right type.
We are convinced: A home-made voucher is a thousand times better than an ordinary shop-bought one. Even though you do not hand over the actual present, the voucher is kind of a promise that you will carry the cost at a later date. An elegant gift solution for your loved ones. And it is so much more fun to create your own voucher than to spend the time shopping for what might turn out to be the wrong present!
Simple Wallpaper Voucher
What do you need?
- Scissors
- Paper
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Computer and printer or a nice pen and unicolour
- Paper
- Ribbons, glitter, any other suitable decorative items
- And of course a piece of your favourite wallpaper!
What do you need to do?
Write your note describing the purpose of the voucher on a piece of high-quality, uni-colour paper (or print it out). Choose whatever size takes your fancy. A5 (i.e. 21 cm x 15 cm) is a good format for vouchers. Please note that you need to factor in an edge of about 3 cm around the text. Put the wallpaper “face down” in front of you on the table. Cut two pieces of your wallpaper the same size as your text paper. The printed wallpaper should be sticking out about 3 cm all around the voucher text. Now glue the back of the first piece to the back of the piece of paper with the text. Draw a 3 cm border all around the second piece of wallpaper. Cut out the inner rectangle, thus creating a frame. Glue this frame onto the text paper. All there is to do now is to decorate the voucher with bright ribbons, glitter, and whatever else you’d like to use to beautify your voucher.

Voilà! You’ve made your first simple wallpaper voucher!
Folded Wallpaper Voucher
What do you need?
- Computer and printer or uni-colour paper and a nice pen
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Pen
- Pretty stickers or decorative sticky tape
- And of course a piece of your favourite wallpaper!
What do you need to do?
Put the wallpaper “face down” in front of you on the table. Draw a small square (all sides should be the same length) and cut it out. Mark the middle of that piece. Now fold all corners into the middle, pattern on the outside. This is the “cover”, the exterior of your voucher. Now measure the smaller square you created by folding in the corners. Cut a piece of uni-colour paper the same size and write your text on it (alternatively just print it out). Glue the text paper into the small square on the back of your wallpaper piece.

Now fold the corners over it and seal the voucher with a pretty sticker or some decorative sticky tape.

Voilà! You’ve made your first folded wallpaper voucher!
3D Wallpaper Voucher
What do you need?
- Computer and printer or uni-colour paper and a nice pen
- Scissors and glue
- Pen und Ruler
- And of course a piece of your favourite wallpaper!
What do you need to do?
Cut out a rectangle from your favourite wallpaper. The length should be about 2 cm more than the width. Now put this rectangle in front of you on the table, long side up.

At the top, fold an edge of about 2 cm. This turns the rectangle into a square.

Leave the strip folded up and pull this side to the opposite lower edge. Fold thoroughly!

Now open the fold and add another folded edge to both sides of the middle fold by folding the lower and upper side towards it.

Open it all up again. Now measure one quarter of the width towards the inside on both sides (e.g. 16 cm width => measure 4 cm towards the inside from both sides). Cut along the fold up to that point.

Fold these stripes towards the middle.

Now you can construct a little box.

It’s up to you to decide what size the text within the little box will be. The maximum is the size of the four large outer sides. Then glue the text to the back of a wallpaper piece of the desired size and re-fold all the edges once more.

The 2 cm strip will have to be shortened to fit with the middle piece and you can lightly stabilise it on the top of the little box (e.g. with a piece of wallpaper - just stick the 2 cm strip behind it - or perhaps a nice sticker; another way to stabilise the box is by using a bit of string). In order to ensure that the side bits are stable, you can cut the two opposite outer sides towards the middle (half way down) and stick them together. Voilà! You’ve made your first 3D Wallpaper Voucher!

No doubt: this present will go down a storm at the next birthday!
Have fun creating - and giving! See you next time,
Yours, Laura